How to keep in touch with us! Either by our contact details below,
or via our website.
Chairman: Peter Harvey
Telephone: 0795629276
e-mail: peterharveysunroofs@tiscali.co.uk
Vice Chairman: Peter Baggott
Telephone: 07761544373
Treasurer: Helen Roalf
Telephone: 07791299895
Events Secretary: Steve Lutz
Telephone: 01843 832863
e-mail: stevelutz63@gmail.com
Club Secretary: Keith Stevens
Telephone: 07891214649
e-mail: keithastevens@hotmail.com
Membership Secretary: Lesley Lutz
Telephone 01843 832863 Steve Lutz
e-mail: lesleylutz21@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor: Alan West
Telephone: 01843 604249
e-mail: alan.west2@talktalk.net
Please direct all club related enquiries to 07779422780
Please leave a message along with your name and telephone number
and a member of the Committee will contact you.
Disclaimer. Any opinions expressed are those of individual authors and
may not be those of the Editor, members of the club or Executive Committee.
All information is provided in good faith. The club does not accept any
responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions.
Club website: www.rommcc.org